Sunday, October 3, 2010

Les courses

Bonjour mes lectures!

Pour cette poste, je vais vous décrire les courses que je suis.
This semester I am taking 4 courses: two 'in-house' courses, or courses that are through the Tufts program, and two 'external' courses, or courses in the French university system.

French 31/191: Littérature Francaise- La femme et la passion amoureuse dans la société (Moyen-Âge-XVIIIème siècle)  [The female and the 'passion of love' in society (middle ages-18th century)]
        In this class we'll be doing readings from the Lays of Marie de France, Lettres d'une Péruvienne (Madame de Graffigny), L'ingénu (Voltaire), Bérénice (Racine), and L'École des femmes (Molière).

French 121: Langue francaise, niveau avancé [advanced french language]
        For this class we will read lots of random articles and stuff, as well as Le Roi se Meurt, by Ionesco.

Université de Paris III (Sorbonne-Nouvelle)
Le diable et le mal au XIXe siècle [the devil and evil in 19th century lit]
      This class is all about diabolical ideas (not just books that have 'the devil' in them), diabolical women (think Scarlet Letter), and stuff like that.  Some of the books we'll be reading include Faust (Goethe), Le fin de satan (Victor Hugo), La Morte amoureuse (Gautier), etc...

Finally, because I couldn't fit any of the linguistics classes that I wanted into my schedule (and the religion class I wanted wasn't enough hours per week, I'm taking

L'Institut Catholique de Paris (catholic institut of paris)
Art contemporain et expérience chrétienne (1950-2010) [contemporary art and the christian experience]
       This class is about tons of different types of contemporary art (paintings, sculptures, photography, videos, etc), which relate to the 'Christian experience'  (or that's my understanding of it from the course description, I have my first class this Thursday).

So, voici mes cours!

A bientôt!

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